Gifts for friend!

Hello again!

My darling friend turned 25 almost two months ago. We didn't see each other until the beginning of this month and I was able to give these presents to her. I can't take credit from these in any case. All of them are lovely ideas I found from the internet. She had asked earlier this year if I could make some crochet Ood's to her and so I did. This is the idea my friend send to me.

 And here are some cute jewelry I thought she might like. The idea came from here.

 This idea came from here. I actually saw this a long time ago and the thought stick with me, but I didn't look up to it until I had done my version of it :D So my solutions are a bit different XD Any whooo it works...kind of.

She seemed to be pleased, but I gave her full and utter permission to ditch them to trash if they were rubbish. I had fun at least :)

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