Nesting for winter

I had some idle time and I have been eyeing my little white birdcage for a while. It was cute when I bought it but needed some touch up. Last weekend I was given a little book about felting and crocheting.  I haven't done any felting works really so first I will look at it as an inspiration.

It had an instruction to do a small felt nest/tent and a bird. We have a word here in Finland "Lintukoto" if I translate it it means bird home but it doesn't really mean actually that. It means a place that is small, cozy and safe place. A sort of happy place.

We are starting to have snow in here and woolly, cozy place would be nice. So here it very small size :D The nest is just first try and it is hanging just with small bow. And I stitched the carpet all around to the mesh floor. The bird cage is about 12 centimeters in diameter.

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